Posts tagged Imagination
How To Practice Memory Techniques: Creating Stories Exercise

This exercise is going to help increase your creativity and imagination. You need to be able to quickly come up with images for the information you are trying to remember. Imagination and creativity helps you come up with images a lot of faster. This exercise is really fun and probably one of my favorites because I get to create weird and crazy stories! Let me know what some of the crazy stories you come up with!

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3 Ways To Improve Your Imagination And Creativity

If you have been using the memory techniques I've taught you, then you know your imagination really gets a work out! haha But maybe your imagination and creativity is not as developed that you would like it to be. Most people I teach have a hard time tapping into their imagination and creativity which results in stories and images that are not memorable. Well I am here to help you improve your imagination and creativity in 3 simple but effective ways.

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