Posts in Story Time
Sloth Attacking Your Friend | Story Time #2

It's time for another story. You are in your kitchen and there is this big crust on the table . The crust is the size of the table! You look at the end of the table shocked to see a stranger eating the crust. As the stranger eats the crust, he get's fatter and fatter. Your friend comes from out of the table and sees this wallet full of money the stranger has.

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Story Time #1: Pikachu Riding A Shark

This is going to be the best series I am going to do because I get to tell crazy and weird stories! These stories are not just random stories but useful information. I want to show the process I go through to create images for information, and the stories that go with them. Leave me comments letting me know what information you want me to create images for then stories! Check out what my first crazy story represents...

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